在过去的几年里, 中国's continuous growth across several sectors has transformed the country into a leading consumer market. 中国现在是世界第二大经济体,也是乐博彩票官方app在亚洲最大的贸易伙伴.


中国目前正在进行重大的经济改革, changing course from relying on exports and manufacturing to a model with domestic consumption and the service sector at heart. This goes hand in hand with growing competition between increasingly capable Chinese companies, 无论是在中国还是在全球.


提高购买力, rapid urbanisation and improved connectivity have opened up countless business opportunities for international companies. The country’s efforts to address environmental issues and transition to a more circular economy will also present numerous possibilities, 例如在能源和清洁技术领域. 除了, 强调乐博彩票官方app在许多其他领域处于领先地位, 包括医疗保健和生命科学, 汽车和交通, 工业设备.


由于中国乐博彩票官方app的快速发展, 建立目标战略和保持敏捷方法是至关重要的. 机遇也伴随着挑战, 哪些需要密切的乐博彩票官方app存在才能理解和管理. It is also good to know that Chinese companies tend to have a complex organisational structure that can be difficult to navigate as a newcomer on the market. See more tips on how to succeed in 中国 in the interview with our country manager  乔阿欣Abeleen below.


To help Swedish businesses in mainland 中国, Business 乐博彩票官方app has had a presence here since 1994. 一个办事处设在首都北京,另一个设在上海. 我们的一些主要服务包括创建量身定制的乐博彩票官方app分析, 提供策略性建议, 寻找合适的商业伙伴. 我们广泛的联系网络也是许多公司的强大资产.




中国 is the world’s largest country by population and the second largest economy in the world. 经济正在快速增长, 因此,即使只占据了一小部分乐博彩票官方app,也有潜力. 中国也正在成为向亚洲其他国家扩张的重要平台. 有增长抱负的公司, 以及对亚洲乐博彩票官方app的兴趣, 应该考虑进入中国或在中国扩张吗. 数字化高速发展, it is also a relevant market for companies that want to focus on and develop their own innovative competencies. 随着财富的增加, 对乐博彩票官方app高品质产品的需求正在增长, 无论是在消费领域还是在工业领域.


乐博彩票官方app是巨大的, 而且移动速度很快, so it’s essential to adapt your strategy and underlying operating model to the Chinese market. 如果你不够敏捷,风险总是会被本地竞争对手超越. Another risk to watch out for in this large market is to end up with the wrong business partners. 适当的尽职调查很重要, something which is partly facilitated by the country's corporate social credit system that is being implemented. But no system can replace the need for continuous monitoring and dialogue with business partners to ensure alignment with global codes of conduct.

商业环境和法律环境变化迅速,发展迅速, 对乐博彩票官方app公司来说,远距离跟踪这一进展可能是一项挑战. 新的外商投资法等机制, cyber security regulations and adjusted taxation regimes make it imperative to have a close presence in the market to understand and react to changes.

最后, a number of risks are emerging related to global trade tensions and the ambitions of 中国 and other larger markets to get more strategic autonomy. 出口限制等因素, 跨境数据传输规定, 重复的标准设置, and increased tariffs are having an impact on Swedish companies’ abilities to have supply chains spanning multiple markets, 有时需要对采购和销售进行根本性的调整.


一个关键的方面是需要了解如何驾驭涉众环境. 许多中国公司拥有复杂的所有权结构, 而且有大量的国有实体. 要知道你应该影响谁并不总是那么容易, 谁才是真正的决策者.

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