自上世纪80年代初以来,泰国经济一直表现良好. 它现在是东南亚第二大经济体,仅次于印度尼西亚. This solid growth has transformed the country from an agricultural society into an industrialised nation.
在过去的几年里, Thailand has become an interesting market for investments by foreign businesses. 除了利润丰厚的国内乐博彩票官方app, Thailand also enjoys a strategic location in the middle of Asia and functions as an important centre for the entire region. The technology-driven manufacturing sector contributes significantly to Thailand’s GDP. Moreover, 持续的基础设施投资, 不断增长的中产阶级消费乐博彩票官方app, and a favourable business climate create plenty of opportunities for Swedish businesses.
零售业正在快速发展, 电子商务驱动, 经济发展和人口增长. 正如下面对卡尔·林德沃尔的采访中提到的, it is also Thailand's ambition to become a world leader in the Internet of Things. 这为电信行业的乐博彩票官方app公司创造了机会. 其他有前景的行业包括医疗保健和可再生能源.
Sweden has a long trade tradition with Thailand that goes back more than 100 years. Swedish export consists primarily of telecommunication equipment and engineering products such as machinery and equipment, paper products, 运输设备, 以及钢铁和林业产品. Still, 中国对泰国的出口相当有限, 这为进一步增长留下了大量未开发的潜力. Today, around 70 companies from or related to Sweden are active in Thailand.
How we can help
乐博彩票官方app商业公司自2008年以来一直在泰国开展业务, offering Swedish companies strategic advice and operational support when entering the Thai market. 我们的曼谷办事处还覆盖其他新兴国家 湄公河地区如缅甸、柬埔寨和老挝.